Woman powerful eyes beautiful
Poem,  Soul-stirring


Woman Earthy Beautiful

I remember once at work, there was a Business Analyst. Once there was some issue in the project and she kind of sighed, “Ah this project sucks! Of course, other than the fact that being born a woman suck. I felt bad, it’s alright to not like what’s going on in life but disliking the birth itself… that’s hard. When I got somewhat matured, in my mid 20’s, I started noticing my mother closely and understood the subtle sacrifices a woman has to always make in her everyday life. My mother is well educated in economics, but she had lost jobs just for the fact that she’s a woman. I heard a woman must work twice as hard to be recognized half as much as a man. I don’t know, but it’s said if the pain of a woman is given to a man, he will die in a day. I learned by watching my mother, women have tremendous endurance, patience, and resilience. A man is all about ego, he would even die to protect his ego, he will go to any lengths just to boost his ego. Alexander the great is an example (don’t know why he was “the great”, all he did was travel the world and kill people). It’s very easy to bring a man to his knees, just keep saying he’s good for nothing for few days, his ego will be crushed so much, even a hulk of a man will become like a vegetable.

I had a chance to talk to some women friends, I was shocked to learn when they were children, some have been molested by their uncles, even their own fathers. I don’t know how many women have been persecuted but are living in this world with secrets buried deep inside them. There are good people and bad people in every gender, country, religion, politics and pretty much every walk of life, but I definitely admire women just for being the woman they are, whether in Africa walking several miles every day to fetch a pot of water for the famished family, or the women in Syria protecting her family amidst falling rubbles and exploding bombs, or the women in Siberia sitting inside Igloo homes in ever-freezing weather keeping her kids warm and comfortable, every woman plays different roles and striving hard and persevering to make a difference in the world.

In today’s world, in the name of feminism, it hurts to see the women forced to “Become like men”. I think feminism is showing women power, not becoming a man. That’s denigrating the quality of a woman. A woman has her dignity, she’s polite, gentle, and exudes patience in walking, talking, and in pretty much everything she does. But I think today’s world expects her to strip all that away and join the dog fight with men to progress. That’s cruel.

Kudos to all the women, a piece of a wonderful life that’s persevering and working hard to make a difference! Here’s wishing everyone the very best… for more adventures, more experiences, more events, more people, and more life… pure life… some events are good… some events are not… sometimes happy… sometimes not… some people stay… some people go… but you just keep breathing… in and out… in and out… let go… Be free.. Go out and smell roses more… life’s good!

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